Catfish and Spoonbill Fishing Guide Services
Lake of the Ozarks and Truman Lake

ALL OUT Guide Service
We offer top-tier catfish and spoonbill guide services on the Lake of the Ozarks and Truman Lake.
Book now for trips as low as $175 per person!

“Unforgettable Experience”
“We booked with Captain Jeremy for our first time going after the infamous paddle fish on the Lake of the Ozarks. Even though we had a large group, he was able to put all of us on our daily limit. This was an unforgettable experience. I will absolutely be using ALL OUT Guide Services in the future!” - Andrew

“Captain Jeremy just makes the whole trip fun”
“Jeremy is a great guide. He knows what he is doing, he knows the lake, and he just makes the whole trip fun. It felt like we were fishing with a friend rather than a guide we had just met.” - Don

“Practicing sensible conservation”
“With the exception of paddlefish trips, catch and release will always be supported to avoid reaching a daily limit prior to the end of a reserved time slot. Creel limits and quick trips are not the ALL OUT mentality. We want our customers to enjoy every last minute of their time on the water, while also practicing sensible conservation to preserve these pristine waters for future generations.” - Captain Jeremy