Catfish, Paddlefish & Crappie Booking

Lake of the Ozarks and Truman Lake

Catfish Guides

$175 per person

6 Hour Trip

Gratuity Not Included

2 person minimum, 5 person max per boat

Click HERE to Submit Booking Request and Deposit


Spoonbill Guides

$200 per person

4 Hour Trip

Gratuity Not Included

2 person minimum, 5 person max per boat

2023 Season Closed. Now Booking for Spring 2024

Click HERE to Submit Booking Request and Deposit

Crappie Guides

$175 per person

4 Hour Trip

Gratuity Not Included

2 person minimum, 5 person max per boat

Click HERE to Submit Booking Request and Deposit

Catfish and Paddlefish on Lake of the Ozarks and Truman Lake



“Practicing sensible conservation”

With the exception of paddlefish trips, we believe that our clients are owed the maximum time for which they have paid. As such, catch and release will always be supported to avoid reaching a daily limit prior to the end of a reserved time slot. Creel limits and quick trips are not the ALL OUT mentality. We want our customers to enjoy every last minute of their time on the water, while also practicing sensible conservation to preserve these pristine waters for future generations. - Captain Jeremy

Sunset over the Lake of the Ozarks